Monday, April 22, 2013

Script to add machines to a WSUS group automatically

#Script to add machines to a WSUS group automatically:
#The script needs Admin credentials and the WSUS Administration Console installed on the machine where it runs
#Initialize Variables
 $wsusGroup = [string] "ServerGroupC"
 $wsusParentGroup = [string] "All Computers"
 $date = get-date
 $date = [string] $ + $date.month + $date.year + $date.hour + $date.minute
 $succeslog = [string] ".\logs\" + $date + "_success.log"
 $errorlog = [string] ".\logs\" + $date + "_errors.log"
 $WindowsUpdateServer= [string] ""
 $useSecureConnection = [bool] $true
 $portNumber = [int] "443"

#Instantiate Objects:
 #Required WSUS Assembly – auto installed with WSUS Administration Tools
 if (!$wsus) {
  $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer($WindowsUpdateServer,$useSecureConnection,$portNumber)
 $serverList = Get-Content ".\srvlist.txt"
 $updateGroups = $Wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups()
 $updateGroup = $UpdateGroups | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq $wsusgroup} | Where-Object{$_.getparenttargetgroup().name -eq $wsusparentgroup}
 $computerScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetScope
 $computerScope.IncludedInstallationStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateInstallationStates]::All
 $computers = $wsus.GetComputerTargets($computerScope)
 $wsusServers = @()
 $WsusServersShortNames = @()

#Create arrays:
# $wsusServer = Array of WSUS Computer objects
# $wsusServerShortName = Array strings, with one server RDN per line
Write-Host "Collecting Server List from WSUS…"
$computers | foreach-object {
 $wsusServer = $_.FullDomainName
 #cut off DNS suffix and store shortname
 $wsusServerShortName = $WsusServer.split(‘.’)[0]
 $wsusServers += $WsusServer
 $wsusServersShortNames += $wsusServerShortName
} #End ForEach $computers

#loop to add servers to group
ForEach ($server in $serverList)  {
  #Check if server Netbios name is present in WSUS, if present move to group – if not log an error
  $wsusComputer = $wsusServersShortNames | Where-Object {$_ -eq $server.Trim()} #Checks for a match in WSUS for the current server in the import list.
  If ($wsusComputer) {
   $searchStr = [string] $server.Trim() + "\." #String representing a RegEx match for the relative part of the server FQDN
   $wsusComputer1 = $wsusServers | where-object {$_ -match $searchStr } #Get a WSUS computer object representing the current server in the import list.
   If ($wsusComputer1.getType().Name -match "string") { #Current $wsusComptuer1 must be a [string] object, or next step will fail.
    Write-Host "$wsusComputer1 will be added to $($ group"
    $computer = $wsus.GetComputerTargetByName($wsusComputer1)
    out-file -append -inputobject "$Server added to $($ group" -filepath $succeslog
   Else {
    #More than one server was matched in WSUS – this will happen if your regEx is not properly formed.
    write-host "count $($wsusComputer1.count)"
    Out-File -append -inputobject "$werver has ambiguous name – check server in WSUS and add to group manually" -filepath $errorlog
  } #End If $wsusComputer
 Else {
  Write-Host "$Server not found in WSUS"
  out-file -append -inputobject "$Server not found in WSUS" -filepath $errorlog
#End ForEach $server

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