Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Print spooler missing in services.msc


Issue: Print spooler missing in services.msc

If the print spooler entry in missing in service, Copy the file below and paste it into a notepad and name file spooler.reg on desktop and then double click on it.
It will create all the entries in registry and you will be able to find spooler entry in services.msc

Note: You need to restart the computer.

Copy the text below and paste it into a notepad and name the file spooler.reg and save on Desktop

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Description"="Loads files to memory for later printing."
"DisplayName"="Print Spooler Service"


"Collect Timeout"=dword:000007d0
"Object List"="1450"
"Open Timeout"=dword:00000fa0



I have recently found that even the registry fix above may not completely fix the issue, if you still experience printer 
spooler service stopping, restarting or after print job the service is in stopped state, apply the fix below

Step1: Delete the Printer Spooler service as it may be corrupt

Note: You should be administrator of local machine
XP: Launch command prompt
Windows 7: Launch command prompt as administrator even if you are local machine administrator

Type: SC delete <service name> ex. SC delete spooler 

reboot the computer

Step3: Reinstall print spooler service

Go to C:\windows\System32 and run Spoolsv.exe

Reboot and service should be installed


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  2. thank you very much
    you fixed my problem
