I see every day question about DHCP server migration from Windows 2003 to Windows Server 2008 R2, which is why I am writing this article.
I think some people have no information about Windows Server 2008 R2 new feature (Windows Server Migration Tools). With this new feature, you can easily complete DHCP migration. I'll show how you can use this function and I hope that helps people solve their problems.
First basic Infos:
I use Windows Server 2003 R2, if you have Windows Server 2003, all steps are same.
Windows DHCP Server 2003 Name: DC-2003R2.Contoso.com
Windows DHCP Server 2003 IP Address:
My Windows DHCP Server 2003 config in TestLab:
Let's go:
First, we must installing
PowerShell and
.NET Framework on Windows Server 2003.
- Windows PowerShell 1.0 Localized Installation Package for Windows Server 2003 and for Windows XP ORWindows PowerShell 2.0 and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 2.0 (KB968930)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
After installing, click Start, All Programs, Windows PowerShell, click Windows PowerShell.
Run this command:
Net stop “DHCP Server”After runing, you can see result:
The DHCP Server services was stopped successfully.
Now, we install DHCP role on Windows Server 2008 R2. Open
Server Manager console, right click on
Roles, click
Add Roles.
DHCP Server, click
Select the network connections that the DHCP Server will use for servicing clients. In my test Lab is (I use IPv4), then click
NextOn Parent domain write your Doman Name (my Domain name is
Contoso.com), on Preferred and Alternate DNS server IPv4 address, write your DNS IP address (my DNS IP address and, after writing click
Validate, then click
I don't have WINS Servers, I select
WINS is not required for applications on this network, then click
Next (If you have WINS Servers, select
WINS is required for applications on this network then write your WINS Server IP address on Preferred and Alternate WINS server IP address).
I don't use IPv6, select
Disable DHCPv6 stateless mode for this server, then click
I use
Contoso\Administrator account on Use currect crendentials for authorize DHCP sever in AD DS, then click
Now, we can our settings, if is correct, click
After installig, click
Now, install Windows Server Migration Tools feature on Windows Server 2008 R2. Open
Server Manager console, right click on
Features, click
Add Features.
Windows Server Migration Tools, then
After installing, click
Administrative Tools,
Windows Server Migration Tools, then click
Windows Server Migration Tools.
Go to
ServerMigrationTools folder. Run this command:
cd C:\Windows\System32\ServerMigrationToolsI run
ls command and see which files are in
ServerMigrationTools folder.
We find a description of utility SmigDeploy by the following command:
.\SmigDeploy.exe /?To migrate DHCP server running on Server 2003, you created a deployment package using the following command:
.\SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture x86 /os ws03 /path c:\SMIGDeployFolder
SMIGDeploy\SMT_ws03_x86 was created successfully.
Content folder.
SMIGDeploy folder must be copied on Windows DHCP Server 2003.
Windows Server 2008 R2Windows Server 2003We can run directly from the folder
SmigDeploy.exe snap-in to start the Windows Server Migration Tools in Windows Powershell.
We find the cmdlets for migration with this command.
Get-Command –PSSnapin Microsoft.windows.servermanager.migrationWe learn about the commands with this command.
Get-help Get-SmigServerFeatureRun
Get-SmigServerFeature command (Gets the set of all Windows features that can be migrated from the local server or from the migration store).
Result returns, Windows DHCP server 2003 is valid for migration.
To export the DHCP settings from server 2003 to 2008 R2, create new folder on Windows 2008 R2, for example
DHCPData, then share this folder with read and change permissions.
After creating and sharing DHCPData folder, run thic command on Windows 2003.
Export-SmigServerSetting -featureID DHCP -User All -Group -path \\DC-2008R2\DHCPData -VerboseNow, set a password.
Export was completed successfully:The folder was created a new DHCP
svrmig.mig file, this file will be imported in new Windows DHCP Server 2008 R2.
I run this command and delete my Windows DHCP Server 2003 (This command deletes the server with the DNS name of Contoso.com and an IP address of from the list of servers in Active Directory. This effectively removes any authorization for the DHCP Server service to run).
Netsh DHCP delete server DC-2003R2.Contoso.com PowerShell on Windows Server 2008 R2 and stop DHCP Services. Run this command.
Net Stop "DHCP Server"Now, run this command for migration.
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.windows.servermanager.migrationImport DHCP Configuration Data, points to the folder
DHCPData. Run this command.
Import-SmigServerSetting -featureid DHCP -User All -Group -Force -path \\DC-2008R2\DHCPData -VerboseAfter finishing, run this command.
Set-service DHCPServer –startuptype automaticNow, start DHCP Services with this command.
Start-Service DHCPServerAuthorize the DHCP server with this command.
Netsh DHCP add server DC-2008R2.Contoso.com Server has been migrated successfully.